The Tiny Eaters Corporation specializes in serving the population of high-risk infants, babies, and children (0-3 years) in the areas of oral sensory-motor development, oral restrictions, myofunctional issues, breastfeeding, sucking, feeding, and swallowing.

This service is recommended if you want to rule out any difficulties in the oral mechanism, oral restrictions in your child, or if there are difficulties in the breastfeeding process, bottle feeding, or feeding management.
If the child has a primary diagnosis (Down Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, or other), an evaluation service is required, not a consultation.
Consultations are available for high-risk infants, post-NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) babies, and children with:
● Oral restrictions (frenulums)
● Orofacial/Myofunctional mechanism
● Feeding
● Dysphagia/Swallowing
● Breastfeeding (Certified Lactation Educator, CLE) and bottle management
Note: The consultation is not a formal evaluation test, so it does not serve diagnostic purposes.
*In this one-hour consultation, the infant or child is observed in terms of oral structure and function. The motor component, reflexes, oral muscles, restrictions (frenulums), breastfeeding function, bottle use, breast supplementer, syringe, among others, are evaluated. Additionally, observation is made during the feeding process.
-- Includes an observation sheet.

This service is recommended for children with a primary diagnosis that affects development or the feeding process (e.g., Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Autism, Williams Syndrome, Hypotonia, among others).
If the child has a primary diagnosis (e.g., Down Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, or other), an evaluation service is required, not a consultation.
Evaluation is available for high-risk infants, post-NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) babies, and children with:
● Oral restrictions (frenulums)
● Orofacial/Myofunctional mechanism
● Feeding
● Dysphagia/Swallowing
● Breastfeeding (Certified Lactation Educator, CLE) and bottle management
Note: This is a formal test with diagnostic purposes.
*In this 1 1/2 hour evaluation, the infant or child is observed in terms of oral structure and function. The motor component, reflexes, oral muscles, restrictions, breastfeeding function, bottle use, breast supplementer, syringe, among others, are evaluated. Additionally, observation is made during the feeding process.
-- Includes an evaluation report.

In this service, we provide guidance on how to safely and healthily introduce complementary feeding to your baby.
We observe and evaluate the following areas:
● Ensuring that the baby meets the requirements for starting complementary feeding
● Structure and function of the oral mechanism
● List of recommended foods
● Cuts and consistencies of foods based on age
● Foods with a risk of choking
● Introduction of allergens
● Among others
Note: We work with Adapted Baby-Led Weaning (ABLW) for babies with oral motor difficulties and neurodivergent conditions.
**This guidance does not replace an evaluation by a nutritionist.

In this evaluation, the infant or child is observed in various areas related to verbal and non-verbal communication.
The following areas are assessed:
● Language prerequisites
● Cognitive skills
● Speech skills
● Receptive and expressive language skills
● Social skills
● General developmental skills
Note: Formal tests with diagnostic purposes are used.
-- Includes an evaluation report.

This service involves ongoing therapy for infants and children aged 0-3 years in the areas of speech and language. The therapy focuses on addressing and supporting the development of verbal and non-verbal communication skills. The following aspects are covered during the therapy sessions:
- Language development milestones
- Cognitive skills
- Speech development
- Receptive and expressive language skills
- Social communication skills
- General developmental progress
The therapy sessions are designed to provide continuous support and intervention to help the child achieve age-appropriate communication milestones. The goal is to enhance overall speech and language abilities during these critical early years of development.

Therapies for: high-risk infants, post-NICU, babies, and children in:
● Oral restrictions (frenulums)
● Orofacial/Myofunctional mechanism
● Feeding
● Dysphagia/Swallowing
● Follow-up in breastfeeding and bottle management
To request therapy services, a prior consultation or evaluation is required."